The choice of Rio de Janeiro as the venue for the 2016 Olympics seems a confirmation of the mood of the moment – Brazil is on the way up; and the shine has come off Barack Obama, who turned up in person to lobby for Chicago only to see his home town eliminated early. It seems to be setback after setback for the US president at the moment – healthcare, Iran, the Afghanistan mess, unemployment up at nearly 10 per cent.
The choice of Rio de Janeiro as the venue for the 2016 Olympics seems a confirmation of the mood of the moment – Brazil is on the way up; and the shine has come off Barack Obama, who turned up in person to lobby for Chicago only to see his home town eliminated early. It seems to be setback after setback for the US president at the moment – healthcare, Iran, the Afghanistan mess, unemployment up at nearly 10 per cent.
Veja também
Dois policiais militares ficaram feridos. O suspeito conseguiu fugir.
Campo Mourão
O festival proporciona atividades culturais e recreativas nos três parques municipais.
Campo Mourão
Aniversariante chegou a se esconder no meio do mato pra fugir de blitz da aglomeração.
Ao todo foram 265 prêmios oferecidos aos consumidores na campanha promocional.
9 de outubro de 2009 às 11:43
O Jaime Lerner de longe é o político mais popular da história do paraná,o ACM da Bahia,o clá Sarney (amigos do Lula) do Maranhão,Collor em Alagoas,e assim vai,país sortudo hein?